Author: Sue CostelloeGet your students thinking creatively, critically and reflectively. This series offers units that progressively help them to develop and strengthen these higher order processes. The emphasis is on inquiry learning, prompting your students to explore issues like personal identity, goals and direction, and relating to others. A wide range of thinking strategies and graphic organisers are employed. Book 1 caters for ages 5-6. Book 2 caters for ages 7-8.Book 3 caters for ages...
Thinking About YOU Thinking About ME is designed for people who live with or teach children or adults who struggle to consider the point of view or motives of others. This is a crucial skill and is needed to develop effective interpersonal relations but it is a hugely complex task to achieve for anyone with a social cognition disability. Following up on her first book, Inside Out: What Makes a Person with Social Cognitive Disorders Tick? Social Thinking expert Michelle Garcia Winner illuminates...
Using Higher Order Thinking Skills by Jeff Lilly The Thinking Shakespeare series is a collection of learning activities that encourages understanding through a logical progression of thinking skills - from remembering who, what, and when, to knowing how and why. This progression is based on Bloom's Taxonomy of Educational Objectives. This photocopiable series is designed to help make Shakespeare accessible, simply that. Studying the bard is not always an easy exercise and his plays still excite...
Using Higher Order Thinking Skills by Jeff Lilly The Thinking Shakespeare series is a collection of learning activities that encourages understanding through a logical progression of thinking skills - from remembering who, what, and when, to knowing how and why. This progression is based on Bloom's Taxonomy of Educational Objectives. This photocopiable series is designed to help make Shakespeare accessible, simply that. Studying the bard is not always an easy exercise and his plays still excite...
Using Higher Order Thinking Skills by Jeff Lilly The Thinking Shakespeare series is a collection of learning activities that encourages understanding through a logical progression of thinking skills - from remembering who, what, and when, to knowing how and why. This progression is based on Bloom's Taxonomy of Educational Objectives. This photocopiable series is designed to help make Shakespeare accessible, simply that. Studying the bard is not always an easy exercise and his plays still excite...
Applying Bloom’s Taxonomy in the Classroom by Cathie Currie and Sally Robertson Thinking Themes Books A and B provides flexible, theme-based activities that support the development of thinking skills. In particular, the series provides structured opportunities for students to: Engage in a variety of analytical, creative and critical thinking activities Choose an area of study that interests them, from within a broad theme Develop, practice, and improve their thinking skills Develop research...
Applying Bloom’s Taxonomy in the Classroom by Cathie Currie and Sally Robertson Thinking Themes Books A and B provides flexible, theme-based activities that support the development of thinking skills. In particular, the series provides structured opportunities for students to: Engage in a variety of analytical, creative and critical thinking activities Choose an area of study that interests them, from within a broad theme Develop, practice, and improve their thinking skills Develop research...
(formerly titled Worksheets!) by Michelle Garcia Winner Mini-lesson plans for higher-functioning individuals with autism spectrum disorder, social (pragmatic) communication disorder, ADHD, or other related social-emotional learning challenges. One of Social Thinking's best-selling books, Worksheets!, now has a new name: Thinksheets. Same great content, now with a new title and cover. THINKSHEETS for Teaching Social Thinking and Related Skills provides parents and educators with concrete ways to...
Proactive Support for Students with Behavioural ChallengesAuthors: Myka Breymann & Darci FultonInclusive education requires educators to have the proficiency and knowledge to provide equal and intentional teaching to all students. This resource will provide educators with the skill set and training required to begin working successfully with students displaying behavioural challenges.To Behave or Not To Behave was written from a presentation created by Myka Breymann and Darci Fulton to...
Ages: 10+Format: Bundle with GamesPublished: 2016Authors: Michelle Garcia Winner, Pamela Crooke, Dominique Baudry, Linda K. MurphyThe social mind is dynamic. It changes and evolves continuously throughout the tween and teen years as kids begin to forge a stronger sense of self. But as they age, the social world also expands in its complexity. Expectations for how a child makes sense of the social world, socially responds, and behaves seem to suddenly shift and transform as more sophisticated...
by Michael Pohl How can you have fun and exercise your brain at the same time? Solving puzzles - that's how! Quizzles are designed to provide the stimulation required by the brain to think better. They challenge and extend the way you think, in a way that is both relaxing and enjoyable. While you work through the puzzles you are actually training your brain to work quicker and better.Other Quizzle BooksQuizzles: 200 Puzzles with a PurposeMore Quizzles: 200 Puzzles with a PurposeAge Suitability:...
Supporting the mental health of adolescentsby Michael Pohl Adolescence can be a time of great vulnerability as many teenagers grapple with changed expectations and demands, peer pressure, a desire to fit in, and the need to be valued and accepted as an individual. It is also a pivotal time of transition, as how a young person feels about themselves and their place in the world can profoundly shape the emerging adult. Understanding Feelings is all about equipping young people with the...
Ages: 4-7Format: PaperbackPublished: 2016Authors: Ryan Hendrix, Kari Zweber Palmer, Nancy Tarshis and Michelle Garcia WinnerNow for the first time in one great-value bundle! We Thinkers! is the premier social emotional learning series from Social Thinking® for helping social learners ages 4–7 develop foundational social competencies. These practice-proven, evidence-based materials are designed for both typically developing children and those with social learning challenges to strengthen social...
By Ryan Hendrix, Kari Zweber Palmer, Nancy Tarshis and Michelle Garcia Winner The We Thinkers! series helps children build foundational social competencies and essential life skills through stories, lessons, and play activities. The teachings help kids better understand themselves and others, develop self-awareness, perspective taking, social problem solving, and supports students’ social-emotional learning, relationship building, classroom learning, and academic performance. The material is...
By Ryan E. Hendrix, Kari Zweber Palmer, Nancy Tarshis and Michelle Garcia WinnerThe We Thinkers! series helps children build fundamental social competencies and improve their social and academic performance. Teachers, clinicians, and parents give it rave reviews!We Thinkers! Volume 2 picks up where Volume 1 left off. The concepts across the series are sequential. It's important to use Volume 1 before moving on to Volume 2.In Volume 2 Social Problem Solvers we explore how to figure out the social...
A Relaxation Book for Children Who Live with AnxietyWritten and Illustrated by Kari Dunn Buron Worry and anxiety are on an upswing. In fact, anxiety is the most frequent of all mental disorders in children. High levels of stress and big emotions related to social situations, sensory issues, or general frustration are common in children who live with anxiety. Such stress can lead to a loss of control, resulting in aggressive behaviour, such as screaming, throwing things or even hurting someone....
By Susan BowmanIn this full-colour illustrated book children describe their families including what they like to do together. The wonderfully illustrated drawings bring out the uniqueness of each family. Children are encouraged to describe their own families and create some fun activities they can do together. Some of the families described include:parent in the militarysingle parentincarcerated parentadoptive parentsfoster parentsmulticultural parentssame gender parentsterminally ill parentsand...
Written by Kristen Wilson and Elizabeth Sautterr Illustrated by Kyle Richardson Also available: Whole Body Listening Larry at SchoolBeing a good listener means much more than just hearing what is said with the ears. It is important to break down ALL of the components of listening, to teach your kids to listen with their eyes, hands, feet, brains, hearts - indeed their whole bodies! Designed to stimulate discussions at home and at school about how we listen as a member of our family and in...
Written by Kristen Wilson and Elizabeth Sautter Illustrated by Eric Hutchison Also available: Whole Body Listening Larry at HomeThis is the 2nd book in our two-part series to help our students develop a better concept of holistic listening, or Whole Body Listening. In this charming comic book, based on the idea created by Susanne P. Truesdale (1990), the authors, Sautter and Wilson explore how two siblings, Leah and Luka struggle to focus their brains and bodies during the school day. Kindly, a...
By Susan Bowman and Karen Dean Recent research has shown that an average of 8% of children as young as 8 years old are engaging in self-injuring behaviours. This book provides a first-of-its-kind, story-based tool for helping these young people. Elisa, 11 years old, has started purposely hurting herself. No one understands why she wants to do these things, not even her mother. When her self-injuring becomes more noticeable, a teacher takes her to speak with the school counsellor. Elisa...
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