The Zones of Regulation 4-Poster Set
Social Thinking
Product Code: ISBN 13:
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The Zones of Regulation 4-Poster Set
Whether you are just getting started with the Zones of Regulation® curriculum or need more visual supports for teaching the Zones framework, these four posters give you the opportunity to take advantage of all those in-the-moment teaching situations that are part of everyday life. Individual posters are also sold separately.
Set includes:
The Zones of Regulation dry-erase poster
New emotions illustrations with greater diversity! This durable, colour-coded, 24” x 18” dry-erase poster highlights four core zones of emotion-behaviour regulation taught in The Zones of Regulation curriculum. A helpful visual tool for use in the clinic, classroom, or home, this cognitive behaviour approach is designed to help students recognise when they are in different states called “Zones.” Students learn how to use metacognitive strategies to stay in a Zone or move from one to another. This interactive visual invites kids to name and discuss the tools they can use.
The Zones STOP, OPT and GO dry-erase poster
This durable, dry-erase poster (18” x 24”) is a companion product to The Zones of Regulation curriculum by Leah Kuypers and aligns with Lesson 17 in the book. The in-the-moment teaching tool is designed to help kids who struggle with impulse control and figuring out alternative solutions to conflicts. STOP, OPT and GO gives students an easy-to-remember metacognitive phrase and visual to help them before they act on an impulse. Perfect for the clinic, classroom, or home.
The Zones Triggers dry-erase poster
Perfect for clinic, classroom, or home use, this 18” x 24” durable, dry-erase poster is a companion product to The Zones of Regulation curriculum by Leah Kuypers and aligns with Lesson 9 “Caution! Triggers Ahead.” This visual tool helps students identify the situations—or triggers—that push them into the yellow or red Zones and prepare themselves for something nonroutine. Kids write their triggers on the caution sign to remind themselves to use their metacognitive problem-solving strategies to regulate in those situations.
The Road to Regulation poster
Adapted from the colourful 2-page layout in The Regulation Station storybook, this award-winning 24” x 18” poster summarizes lessons taught throughout The Zones of Regulation 2-Storybook Set. The poster is an in-the-moment reminder of the four steps needed to (1) recognise your feelings, (2) identify your Zone, (3) choose a tool, and (4) use the tool to help regulate your feelings experienced across different situations. Use the poster at home, school, or clinic to review information with children while reading the 2-storybook set, support corresponding lessons from The Zones of Regulation curriculum, and when exploring the Tools to Try Cards for Kids card deck to practice over 50 strategies to find the tools that best help them self-regulate at school, at home, or in the community. The poster is not dry-erase and should not be written on.
Ages: 8+
Published 2022