Teaching Gifted Learners Book B
The Hidden Gifted: Meeting the Needs of Gifted Students with Learning Disabilities
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Teaching Gifted Learners Book B
The Hidden Gifted: Meeting the Needs of Gifted Students with Learning Disabilities
by Frances Hill
Gifted and talented individuals possess the attributes and abilities to enrich their own lives and to make a valuable contribution to the knowledge society. This potential can be maximised by the provision of a tailored education which provides the scope and balance which gifted students crave.
The perception that gifted students will achieve, regardless of the educational provision, because of their innate abilities, still lingers. International research, however, points to the tragic loss of potential which results from failure to engage gifted students during the early years.
For teachers, the challenge is to accurately identify all gifted students, provide differentiated programmes which meet their diverse needs and continually evaluate the provision in the light of the rapid changes which occur when gifted students are firing on all cylinders.
The purpose of this four-book series is to equip teachers with the knowledge and skills to increase their confidence and ability to deliver a classroom programme that effectively meets the needs of the gifted student.
Book B: The Hidden Gifted: Meeting the Needs of Gifted Students with Learning Disabilities. (GLD)
This book will help teachers to recognise GLD Students by understanding the causes and consequences of the GLD condition. It then presents strategies to meet the emotional and social needs of GLD students by guiding teachers through the development of an intervention Programme.
Also available in this series:
Teaching Gifted Learners Book A: Meeting the Needs of Gifted and Talented Students
Teaching Gifted Learners Book C: Meeting the Needs of Gifted Students who are Underachieving
Teaching Gifted Learners Book D: The Gifted Education Toolkit
Age suitability: 5-14