Dyscalculia Matters: Set (Book 1 & 2)
Effective ways of working with children who struggle with maths
Essential Resources
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Dyscalculia Matters: Set (Book 1 & 2)
Effective ways of working with children who struggle with maths
Author: Frances Adlam
Dyscalculia Matters? Yes it does! Dyscalculia is an umbrella term used for a learning difficulty with maths. It is often thought of as the maths equivalent of dyslexia.
Developmental dyscalculia is a condition that affects the ability to acquire arithmetical skills. Dyscalculia learners may have difficulty understanding simple number concepts, lack an intuitive grasp of numbers and have problems learning number facts and procedures. Even if they produce a correct answer or use a correct method, they may do so mechanically and without confidence.
This series recognises that dyscalculia does matter. It offers a maths programme through to age 9 that can help students with dyscalculia because it is grounded in an understanding of their needs and best teaching practice with this group of children in particular.
The first book in the Dyscalculia Matters series is aimed at ages 5–7; the second book is aimed at ages 7–9. However, the boundaries are not fixed. For example, Book 1 would also work well with initial teaching of children who are new to the school and sets out first concepts that would be useful for older children to return to if they are struggling with a higher level of maths.
Age Suitability: Book 1: 5-7; Book 2: 7-9