Activities For Building Self-Confidence
Product Code: ISBN 13:
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Activities For Building Self-Confidence
A collection of activities and games to promote self-confidence and enhance self-esteem in young people By E A Morris. These activities recognise that self-confidence and self-esteem are interrelated. They can be used to create a programme for developing self-confidence in young people and include ways to help them:
- Learn to focus and concentrate
- Pay attention
- Learn to speak up for themselves
- Acknowledge what they have already learnt
- Accept praise and appreciation
- To accept and give compliments and criticism
- Speak openly about their strengths
- Acknowledge achievements
- Gain an awareness of their strengths
- Build on existing models
- Think about role models
- Increase powers of observation and memory
- Take control
- Focus on the good things in their lives.
Ages 11-16
A4, 62 pages, photocopiable